Thursday, February 16, 2012


                Today I asked my friend to the WPA dance at our school. I had a cute way planned out and was really excited because I knew I’d have a fun time with this guy. He said yesJ, but things didn’t quite go according to plan.

                I’d been trying to think of a cute way to ask this guy for a little while now, but I couldn’t quite think of a way to do it. I knew I wanted to do it in my AP LANG class because my teacher’s pretty chill and I have a lot of friends in it, but I didn’t know how. I considered making a big sign and he’d see it when he walked in, but I thought that was sort of common. I finally got my idea when I talked to my teacher. I went to her room during lunch for a paper conference and we had some time left over so I asked her if I could hang a sign up in her room. She got all excited and said of course I could! I we started talking about other ways I could do it and she gave me a pretty good idea. Since we were doing peer reviews for our papers I could ask him that way. I got a “Peer Review” form and filled it out just like my normal essay. I then Printed out 4 sheet of paper with W P A ? on it. My plan was to give it to him during class and then he’d read it and say yes blah blah blah…

                When we got to class and Mizzay turned us loose to work, I told Snook that he needed to revise my essay.  a bunch of other people went to the computer lab to work and it was just Me, Snook, Mizzay, two others, and My friends Maddy and Kylie who knew what I was about to do. I gave Snook my essay and he set it down on his table. He didn’t even look at it. My friends and I started to laugh. I was like “SNOOK! Read my essay!” and he said “Ok one sec I gotta add some stuff to my calendar first.” This took forever and then he looked at the front sheet and asked Maddy to revise his essay. He went to give it to her and then sat back down with my “essay” in front of him. He looks at the front sheet and then literally opens the paper so my friends and I could see the W and then he closes it and says “Crap I need to fill out a front sheet for my essay!” my friends and I burst out laughing!! It was pretty hilarious but I just wanted him to read the stupid essay already! It took him about 5 minutes to fill out the sheet and then he gave it to Maddy. Finally! I think. He goes back and sits down and then starts to just talk to people and not even glance at my paper! I can’t help laughing now and Mizzay and I just share a look. She keeps saying “Alright let’s get down to business and do what you’re supposed to be doing!” He just ignores her. She says it at least twice more. At this point, I have given up waiting and start to read my book.  Mizzay gives one final warning and he apologizes and finally looks at my paper. He opens it. Sees the W, looks around, and then turns the pages very slowly. Once he realizes that he just got asked to WPA, he got a big smile and walked over to me! Haha it was fantastic! Everyone in the room was watching him and started laughing. He was like “oh My Gosh that was the first time I read that! I’m sorry of course I’ll go with you!” YAAAY J He gave me a hug, people gave us a round of applause (haha cheesy), and then we all proceeded to give him a hard time about taking such a long time to read it!

                I was quite proud of my method of asking, even though it was a bit of a partial fail. I’m really looking forward to WPA and I’ll definitely remember this for a long timeJ (721 words)

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