Friday, February 3, 2012

Plan Ahead

                The decisions you make can cause so many different consequences and rewards. Some things you won’t even be able to predict. Being smart pays off big time, so don’t rush through your choices in life.

                Choosing to not do your homework can be a terrible decision. If you know you have homework due later in the week and don’t do it while you have free time, that can come back to bite you in the butt. It’s best to get it out of the way as soon as possible because you don’t know what else will emerge later in the week. Because you think you can do it later, you will have more homework later in the week. Once you get even more homework, all of it piles up. As a result, you have to stay up late to get it done. Even though you stay up late, you may only get the homework done that’s due the very next day. Once you stay up late one night, you are tired the next day. Because you didn’t finish absolutely all of your homework the day before, you still have homework to do that night. If you have activities to do then you will end up staying up late again, but this time it’s harder because your tired form the night before.  If you seek help to stay awake such as caffeine, this can keep you up later than your homework which is just a pain. Once you’re tired, you perform worse in school and have to try really hard to focus. You probably miss out on some things in class because your fatigue is just too much to handle. You could fall asleep and get in trouble. You could also make silly mistakes and lose points because you aren’t on you’re A-game. You will also not do some of your homework if you are too tired at night. Being a teenager is hard, so make sure you plan ahead. (330 words)

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