Monday, February 27, 2012


                In Kennedy dance team, we have one major tradition that can never be broken. We have this thing called the leadership crown. It gets passed on from year to year to the girl who shows the most promising leadership skills. At the end of the year banquet, the senior who currently hold the crown passes it down to the junior who holds the most promise of being a leader the next year. IT is an actual crown. It’s a cute little crown with light pink fuzzies on it and heart rhinestones. It’s the cutest thing ever and everyone hopes to receive it.
                The junior who receives the crown need to have leadership skills. They need to be able to take charge and get this done. They need to have a thick skin, but be understanding too. They need to be able to keep a positive attitude and a level head, especially in times of conflict. They don’t need to be the most talented dancer, but they need to set an example. They need to be the one to whom the younger dancers look up to. They must be determined and never give up. They can never quit and can never be off their game. They have a big responsibility and need to know how to use it. They must never abuse their power. Holding the crown gives you a little bit more authority. The crown-holder needs to know how to be authoritative and make decisions in times of conflict, but not be able to abuse it. The holder needs to know how to use their power. They can’t just think about themselves, they need to be thinking about what is best for the team. It is a very large responsibility meant to be held by a very strong senior.
                I fell very honored to be the holder of the leadership crown for the upcoming year. I hope to live up to all of the expectations that come with the crown. I will try to remember the leaders before me and copy all of their great leadership skills. I do not take this title lightly and I hope to help bring my team to a very successful year filled with fun, hard work, and sweet rewards. (376 words)

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