Monday, February 27, 2012


                I believe that all boys go to jerk lessons while they are growing up. They start out nice but then one day they start lessons that teach them all the same jerk moves to use the rest of their lives. They all learn how to mess with a girl’s head, make her feel like crap, and be confusing. I think they all go to secret classes that their fathers take them to but keep it a secret from the mothers. The nice guys either fail the class, or have nice fathers who don’t bring their son to them. Some guys eventually grow out of being a jerk face, but that normally takes a long time.
                Why do guys feel the need to confuse girls? Is there a lesson in Jerk Class that teaches them how to act so weird that it defies all logic? I think their teacher gives then strategies to confuse girls. They tell them to go back and forth every few days with paying attention to the girl. They flirt a lot one day and then the next they are to not pay very much attention to the girl. It drives her crazy which is great for you.
                They also get taught to be a player. One girl is not enough. If you aren’t attached to anyone, flirt with as many girls as possible. If you are in a relationship, it’s okay to have a little something on the side. That’s like double points. You end up hurting the girl you are in a relationship while messing with another girls heart. You string them both along and in the end you rip both of their hearts out. Great.
The nice guys are the ones who are genuinely sweet. They actually care. They don’t make stupid sexist jokes and they don’t go along with the guys who are CONSTANTLY commenting about girls’ looks. They can be jerks, but they don’t mean to be. They apologize and they pay attention to you. They would never intentionally hurt you or mess with your head.(344 words)

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