Friday, February 3, 2012

High School Love

               High school love can be classified into three groups. There are the love birds, the flirty friends, and the cute couples. They all have distinct characteristics and include a certain type of person.

                The love birds are in-your-face in love. They publicly say “I love you” and shove their affection down your throat. They constantly PDA and act like every time they part they won’t see each other for ages. You get really annoyed around them and just want to leave whenever you’re with them. They are so open about their relationship in public that you don’t even want to know how they are in private. Sometimes you may even question if they’re really “in love” or just two really needy people. Sometimes you think they PDA in public just so other people will watch. They are already planning a life together and they think they’re going to get married soon after high school. They’re the “it couples” of every clique and everyone secretly hates them.

                Flirty friends are those people who like to flirt with each other, hang out on the weekends, and do other couple-y things, but they don’t want a “label.” Everyone knows they are involved and no one dares come on to one of them because they are obviously “taken” (unless they want to start a giant drama fest). These people love drama and get in fights a lot, but it’s ok because their “just friends.” They try to make each other jealous constantly, and normally these people don’t know what makes a healthy relationship. You don’t want to know how these people act in private either. This “relationship” is constantly off and on. You never quite know what’s going on between these two people.

                The cute couples are the best kind of high school relationship. They are adorable and show affection in public, but they don’t PDA. They hang out with friends and they don’t annoy everyone. They hold hands and interact with each other during the day. Even though they enjoy spending time together and going on dates, they enjoy just hanging out with friends too. They are totally cool with the other having a girl’s/guy’s night out. They aren’t clingy and they have a healthy relationship. These are the relatively short-term relationships that everyone should have in high school. They aren’t thinking about the future, they’re just focused on having fun with their boo. (419 words)

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