Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Clueless Teachers

Every student learns differently. So why don't teachers accommodate to them? Teachers are supposed to know how to deal with these different types of learning, but I doubt many of them do. I doubt that many of them even pay attention to how their students are responding to their method of teaching.

My science teacher is an example of a teacher set in his ways and unwilling to explore different possibilities of teaching. This is our homework: we read the chapter, he gives us an optional "reading guide," he lectures us with a really long PowerPoint and expects us to take notes even though he talks extremely fast. Personally, I cannot learn unless I participate in a discussion rather than a lecture or I fill out a worksheet and we go over it as a class. I am not very good at reading a large textbook and picking out what I need to know. I do the reading guides he gives us, but it does not help me much because he does not go over them. The way he teaches, the students pretty much have to teach themselves the material which does not turn out the best and does not bring good results on tests. We also do labs, but it only focuses on a part of the chapter so I do well with that material but I am clueless with the rest of it.

I believe there are many teachers like this in schools all across America which is sad.  Teachers should be adventurous in their teaching style and change things up. If their students are getting bad grades, you should take the hint and try something new. If it works, fantastic! If it doesn’t, the try something else until your students are succeeding. It doesn’t matter if you’re teaching the material if your students aren’t learning it. There are many resources out there for teachers to find new ideas. You could ask an experienced and successful teacher you know or go in the internet. You could even go to a teacher’s workshop.
My history teacher last year tried out many different styles of teaching. I remember older students telling me she was not a good teacher, but when I got there, she was great. Apparently, she and her husband went to a teacher’s workshop that summer and learned a lot. She used what she learned and tried it out on us and guess what? It worked! I bet if every teacher was exposed to and utilized all of the great teaching resources out there, the students of our country would be better educated and then maybe when they grow up, they could solve all of the problems our world is facing right now. (455 words)

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