Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Teenage Love...

There are many aspects of pop culture today that affect the teenage mind. Movies, fashion, television, books, and just normal peer pressure shape our everyday lives. I bet this has been going on for a while, but the major theme that I think is affecting most teens today is being in a relationship and more importantly, being “in love.” I think this is funny because when you’re a teenager, you aren’t mature enough to fully “love” someone and even if you think your “in love,” you don’t have enough life experiences to now for sure or not. In high school, everyone wants to have a girlfriend or a boyfriend. You want someone to care about you more than just family or friends do. It’s totally fine to want that and to be in a relationship, because it prepares you for the future, but just don’t get carried away.

Every school has at least one “it” couple and maybe a lot more depending on the size of your school. They’ve figured the whole relationship thing out, they’ve been together for a long time, and they sort of shove their relationship down your throat. This is the couple that is open about everything, say “I love you” ten times a day, and is inseparable. It’s a bit disgusting really and you get sick of them. Everyone knows who they are. They PDA all the time and don’t really care who sees. Everyone knows when they fight because their relationship is on display for the whole world to see. You see their tweets, and can just tell by the way they interact if something isn’t right. They seem like the perfect match in high school, but then fast forward ten or fifteen years and they are married to different people and are probably laughing at the way they thought they felt in high school.

Peer pressure is a big factor in all things love-related in high school. Everyone feels pressure to do stuff and be in love even if they really don’t want to or if its not important to them. Television and movies brainwash us into going on a mission to find true love. They also brainwash us into looking for certain signs that mean you’re in love, when everyone’s different. You shouldn’t have to face this kind of stupid pressure when you’re a teenager, and it shouldn’t affect you that much, but the truth is, it does. (406 words)

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