Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Evolution of Disney

Everybody knows and loves Disney. Disney is an important part of not only America, but the word. If you go to any country and mention Disney, people will know that name. Sadly, though, Disney’s standards are going downhill
Classic Disney was the best. Movies such as Snow White, Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty were so magical they would brighten your life. All of the early Disney movies were full of wonder, were told beautifully, and everyone could enjoy them. The plot lines were very original, and even if they were old fairly tales, seeing them on the big screen brought that much more fresh perspective into them. Each movie became an instant classic, the characters were lovable, and the songs were so lovely and catchy. Every movie was family oriented and became so instantly quotable.
All of the old school movies were wonderful too. All of the animated films like the Lion King, Hercules, Pocahontas, Mulan etc. and some of the Pixar animation films of the nineties like Toy Story were fantastic. Each movie has its own original plot line and set of characters. Disney used a wide variety of themes for their movies. Each movie explores a different setting and you always learned something from the central topic, even if it wasn’t exactly the whole truth. They all were very appropriate for little kids, but were also funny enough that adults could enjoy the good-hearted humor too. If you were to quote something from any of these twentieth century Disney movies, they would be easily recognizable because they are all very original and were very memorable a witty. Also, the actors who portrayed the voices were fantastic. Also, Disney movies such as Marry Poppins were expertly casted with many extremely talented actors.  
Now, every Disney movie is the same and they aren’t entertaining to adults. They all are about an unlikely hero who overcomes a challenge even though no one believes in him. Disney doesn’t even explore different plot lines. They stick to the same tired ideas and don’t expand. All of the characters are similar in every movie. They all share the same characteristics and follow the same basic timeline of events. Plus, Disney doesn’t even cast entertaining actors anymore. They keep recycling the same old people which get old. Another thing is that the content is either funny only for little kids, or not appropriate for kids. They can’t find the happy medium they had back in the day. I may be biased, but I feel like Disney didn’t transition very well into the twenty-first century. Disney, you really need to step it up. (436 words)

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