Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Dos And Don'ts of Homecoming

I have been to our Homecoming dance for the past two years at this school. I have also been to WPA. I've experienced just about everything from hearing a girl puke in the stall next to me, to being ditched, to having a blast with my best friend. So here is a list of things to do and avoid during Homecoming.


Accessorize. You may have the perfect dress, but it can look so boring without the right accessories. Make sure to wear a fun necklace that accentuates the neck line of your dress and has a bit of color to match your dress. Big earrings are a must, especially if your hair is in an up-do. Bracelets are good too, but if you have a wrist corsage then they're not very necessary and putting a fun clip in your hair is an elegant touch. Lastly, cute shoes are key. Finding the perfect pair is just as important as important as the dress.

Hang with your friends. Make sure that at the dance you are with the people you enjoy. I've gone in a group that I wasn't very familiar with before and it wasn't very much fun. With your friends, you're free to be goofy and you don't have to worry about them thinking your weird. At dinner, you will be able to talk and participate in the fun the entire time without awkward pauses or just sitting back and listening that can happen with other people. Plus, when you're dancing with someone you don't know very well, your thinking about impressing them rather than having a good time. Also, go with a group that isn't crawling with drama. And if you aren't already dating, don't  expect that your date will automatically become your boyfriend/girlfriend. Every year there are always girls in the bathroom crying because their date is dancing with someone else, they're in the middle of a cat fight with another girl, or they're having boyfriend problems. The easiest way to avoid this is to not put yourself in that situation. Just stay with your true friends.


Ditch your date. You may have been invited to go to a party or want to hang out with some other friends at the dance, but don't ditch your date. That's just rude and most of the time leads to an awkward encounter the following Monday. No matter what the reason is, just don't do it. You said you'd go with your date so you should keep your word. Don't be a jerk.

Set too high of expectations. It's great to be excited, but don't dream up a magical night filled with nothing but giddy bliss. Things happen that you cant control. Friend get in fights, the waiter messes up your check, your date doesn't want to dance, ect. If you let all of these little things get you down, then your night will turn out terrible. There's no such thing as a perfect night. As long as you focus on the positive, you will have a fun, memorable night. You'll even be able to laugh at all of those stupid things that went wrong. Even though it may seem like the end of the world, when you put things in perspective, it's only a high school dance and its not the end of the world. It's just one night of your life and you have so many more things to look forward to.
(576 words)

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