Monday, September 19, 2011

Do You See What I See?

The term "abstract" means apart from concrete realities; difficult to understand. Abstract art is supposed to be all about trying something new, gaining insight, and expressing yourself in unconventional ways. The part that confuses me is this: how do you tell the difference between abstract art and just plain lack of talent?

I'm sure we've all seen that typical movie scene when a guy paints a terrible stick figure and the teacher swoops over to rave about how spectacular it is and how he guy is finally thinking outside the "box". It's a fumy scene, but does that actually happen? And what if it did? What if all of the famous artists known for their expression were actually just mad or lazy or blind? Drawing a bunch of jumbled-up faces just seems odd to me. How can putting the eye in the middle of the chin represent suffering or anguish or whatever it stands for? It just seems wrong when an artist contorts an object past recognition. It makes me think that they just didn't know how to draw it the right way so they made it look intentionally crazy. And why do artists feel the need to color certain things random colors? Is the color in nature not good enough for them? Or were they just colorblind and confused?

I don't get how you decide between abstract and doodles. Is there a special technique? Because each artist seems to go about things in a different way. If I ever take an art class, my opinion might change, but as of now, the entire world of art just poses so many unanswered questions for me. Maybe I'll never understand. (279 words)

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