Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Procrastination is never good, but it happens a lot. I am a regular procrastinator, as you can see by all of my blog postings. It’s ok to leave some things to the last minute, but I think writing seven blogs and a purpose essay is a signal that you might have a problem. Why do we do it so often? And why is it so easy to do?

Everyone likes to have fun. It is just a fact of life. But everyone knows that in order to have fun, you need to do a certain amount of work as well. Procrastination comes into play when you have the fun first and then do the work, rather than the other way around which is actually the smarter option. Waiting until the last minute to do something is pure stupidity, so why do we keep doing it? I do not know. I would also like to know how I can reverse this habit and become one of those overachievers who does all the required stuff first and then has plenty of time to have fun and maybe even do some extra credit work or something like that as well. I will address these questions in another blog later this year.

I think part of the reason I wait to do things is that I believe I work best under pressure. I don’t like to write papers in advance because I feel I won’t be doing my best work. This doesn’t quite make sense if you think about it. If you get it done earlier, then you have more time to edit and revise it rather than trying to make it close to perfect the first time you write it. I understand this, and yet I keep procrastinating. Also, I think I procrastinate because that was the example set for me. I was always told to get my homework done on time no matter what as a child. Because of this, I stay up late getting my homework done every night. I was never told though, to do it in a timely manner. As a child I always saw my mother working late on things. She was a perfectionist and whatever she was doing turned out perfect, but she would be up until three in the morning doing projects because she didn’t have the motivation to get it done in her afternoon free time. I believe this influenced me a lot, which wasn’t necessarily a good thing. So remember, anything you do can influence someone else so get your work done and lead by example. (432 words)

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