Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tweet Tweet

Twitter. It is one of the most widely used social networking websites in the world. People tweet about everything, anywhere, anytime. Twitter gives us a way to tell the world what we are doing, but is that absolutely necessary? I have a twitter account, but do I really need it? I don’t think so. My generation has become so focused on technology that out social skills are diminishing. People text instead of talking. Our photos are kept online rather than having a hard copy in a fun scrapbook or photo album. People talk about what they’re going to do on websites like Twitter and watch people do things on television, but don’t actually do them themselves. It’s actually quite sad what our society has turned in to.

Twitter is quite a pointless concept in reality. All it does is give people an outlet to complain about their lives and tell everyone personal details that were normally kept private in past decades. Twitter has become a contest to see whose life sucks more or is more stressful or complicated. It’s truly quite annoying.  I don’t care if you and your best friend are fighting or if you have so much homework that you think you will die before you get it all done. I also do not care if you and your high school boyfriend are in love or if he did something oh-so-cute and you just have to share it with everybody and post an adorable picture of the two of you. I don’t want to see PDA in the hallways so please don’t put it on the internet. Plus, why do you feel the need to tweet every time something funny or frustrating happens? If you document every memorable moment of your day, then you must really want the attention. If you tweet more than maybe five times in a day, you’re addicted, and even five is pushing it. Remember that you are allowed to keep things concealed in your life.

Also, it seems like there is a contest on who can use the most four-letter words in the small 140 character limit of each post. If there’s no reason to swear other than you can, then please don’t. I can understand if you are having a conversation and you just get so frustrated that you just have to use that word, but there are so many more adjectives that you can use in the English language. If you can only think of dropping the f-bomb every other word, then I’m sorry, but you need to pay more attention in language arts class, read some challenging books, and practice your speaking skills to broaden your vocabulary. (447 words)

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