Tuesday, November 15, 2011

All State Babay: Results

After we returned to the gym, I took a nap. I changed back into my sweats and set up a bed in the bleachers. It was not very comfortable at all, but I managed to sleep on and off for a bit. I cuddled up with my blanket decorated with kitty ballerinas and my comfy pillow, and I closed my eyes and convinced myself that the noisy gym full of singing high school students was actually a lullaby for me to go to sleep to.
When I woke up, it was time for lunch! I had pizza with my friends and fellow choir nerds and we talked about a lot of choir and non-choir related things. It was really fun. I then occupied my time watching youtube videos, teaching a dance to my friends in front of everyone, and going back and forth to the cafeteria to eat and kill time. The first list was supposed to be posted at three. This didn’t happen. The recall list was posted though. That is a lost of people that the judges want to hear by themselves in order to figure out if they made the choir or not. I was not on that list so it meant I either made it, or didn’t make it.
One of my alto friends and I were in the cafeteria when it happened. We were munching on cookies and talking about girl stuff when I got called. My friend told me to get my but up to the gym and wouldn’t tell me why. I kind of knew then that I made it. On my way there, though, we passed my old choir teacher. He congratulated me. We then sprinted to the gym and that’s when I saw it. My name was posted up on a giant orange list on the gym wall.
I felt so fantastic! I called my entire family within five minutes of finding out. It was outrageous. Once the entire process was done, it was about eight o’clock. The day was scheduled to end at around 5:30. Kennedy got seventeen singers in. That’s a school record. Linn Mar got sixteen singers and one alternate in. Kennedy was victorious!! We got the most singers in out of all of the Cedar Rapids and surrounding schools! It was an awesome day! When I got home, I went to Pei’s to eat a celebratory dinner. A terrific ending to a terrific day. J (407 words)After we returned to the gym, I took a nap.

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