Thursday, November 10, 2011


Lately, I have become horoscope crazy. Right now, I have a horoscope sent to my email every day. I also occasionally look them up on a bunch of different websites and then pick out which ones I like the most. I also look them up in the paper or my Seventeen magazines all the time. I'm not exactly sure why I read them so much, but I just do.

When I read them at the beginning of the day, I like knowing what will be coming (or at least thinking I do). Sometimes if it says something about a “secret admirer” then I go into the day feeling very confidant. Once I read that horoscope, I make a decision to be myself that day. I choose to be more social rather than reserved. If it says something about hard work, then I choose to be very productive and focused that day. Other days, I look at the horoscope and just laugh. If it talks about something ridiculous like money (I have none) or work then I just ignore it. Also, sometimes if it says something really romantic, I just laugh and think “Yeah right! I don’t even have a boyfriend.” Horoscopes never have a negative impact on me, which I guess is part of the reason I read them. They always start my day off right.

            When I read them a few days late, I think back to that day of the week and try to compare my day to what the horoscope said. Sometimes I’m amazed that it was really accurate, but then other times I chuckle at how off track it was. Sometimes, the horoscopes cause me to look at a situation from a different angle.  If I was so focused on the negative impact at the time, looking back at it through a horoscope helps me see how maybe it was actually a good thing in disguise.

            I’m not saying that horoscopes are an awesome thing that you should build your life around, I just think it’s fun to read them. I’m not superstitious and I by no means will ever adjust a decision of mine because a horoscope told me so, but I just think they’re interesting. I think it’s really cool how people predict events through the stars and I’m curious as to how they do it. (392 words)

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