Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Directions Directions Directions

            Directions are meant to be read. If you have a question, re-read directions. If you don’t understand something, re-read directions. If you were doing a project with a packet full of directions, why on earth wouldn’t you read and re-read it?
            For instance, Mizzay gave us a giant packet breaking down what exactly we had to do for our portfolio. There was a list of what we needed to include, questions we needed to answer for each commentary, and examples of the sticky notes. Our first assignment was to read through the packet of directions before we even started our portfolio. Obviously, some people didn’t do this. Sure, some people will have some questions after reading it, but they would be clarifications. When a teacher asks her students if they understand the task at hand, she does not expect to be bombarded with “I don’t get it” and “this packet is confusing.” It’s not only aggravating to the teacher, but it is also annoying to the students who actually read the directions and thus they understand what they are supposed to do.
            Let’s be smart students. If we are told to read directions, do it. Before you start you homework, read directions. Before you begin a test, read directions. Before you do anything that you should screw up, read the directions! Before you ask a stupid question to someone else, ask yourself, “did I read the directions? Did I utilize the resources put out for me and engage my brain? Am I being smart and proactive or annoying and ditzy?”
            I will say it one last time. Please read directions. If you do not want to seem annoying to the entire rest of your class, do your work. Think before you speak please. (293 words)

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