Wednesday, November 16, 2011


                Crushes are fun. Whether it is fantasy, or harmless flirtations, it just feels good. Crushes distract you from your problems, which everyone needs. If you are having a bad day, your crush makes it better. If you are having a good day, your crush is icing on the cake. Crushes take the stress off. They give you time to relax, forget about the craziness of your life, and just have fun. Crushes are nice because there is no pressure for them to turn into something. They are just a wonderful possibility.

                It is sad that high school students are so judgmental. You get labeled no matter what you do, and that label stays with you forever. If you flirt with a bunch of guys, you are a slut.  If you date multiple people, you are a skank. This is sad. It is not a crime to date multiple people. You have to experience everything to find out what kind of person you are most compatible with. You do not have to have a giant commitment with every person you date. Dating does not mean you are in love. It does not mean that you are having sex either. It just means that you are having fun together and trying each other out. If you only date one person and decide they are “the one,” you will never know what else is out there. So please, do not judge girls who are social. Make sure you know all the facts before you label someone as a slut of a skank. Are they really doing something wrong? Or are they just being a girl? (272 words)

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