Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My Thoughts on Blogs

I don't enjoy blogging. Lo siento Mizzay. I will do it, but I don't get any satisfaction from doing it. The only time I write is if I have to for a specific deadline or if I have an issue on my mind. You may say, "Hey! You do both of those things with blogs!" but actually I don't. Yes, I realize that we have a deadline of thirty blogs by the end of the trimester, but sadly, this has little effect on me. I also realize that I can write about anything I want to, but in reality, I can't.

I thrive in a structured environment. I need someone to tell me what to do and when to do it by, and I will do it. I will know what they want me to know and I will be prepared for whatever is happening. Sadly, this year I have a bunch of teachers that expect me to do a whole bunch of things on my own. You may say "Hey! We're getting you ready for college! You're completely n your own then!" but you aren't looking at it from my perspective. My first two years of high school, my teachers were awesome. They were very interactive, used activities, and handed out worksheets that were actually due. This year, it's completely different. Pretty much all of my teachers expect me to do everything completely on my own. Mizzay, you are a good teacher, but you are still on this list. Yesterday, I FAILED an AP Biology quiz because my teacher sucks so much. It was my first F on something as big as that quiz. My teacher lectures at us, not to us, and doesn't give any handouts. He gives limited "optional," not extra, credit that can be turned in with the test, but because it has a far away due date, I don't do it in advance and then don't have time to do it before the test when I'm cramming. His class frustrates me so much, but I can't drop it because I just can't, and I can’t switch teachers because he is the only teacher who teaches that stupid subject. I used to enjoy science before this year. Normal biology and chemistry were awesome and I was even considering going into the medical field, but after this year, I'm not so sure if I should go into medicine. I can't tell if I'm not good at biology or if I just have a bad teacher and thus am not learning. I love math so much. I think it's because you learn a formula and use it over and over again. You work out a problem until you get the right answer. It doesn't get much more structured than that.

In regards to AP Lang, I would suggest putting some tighter deadlines on our blogs. Maybe require two or three per week rather than having them all due at the end of the term. Also, the practice worksheet you gave on subordination helped a lot. If you could give some more of those, that would be wonderful! I learn by using terms over and over again and worksheets aide this process a ton. (535 words)

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