Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My Thought on Blogs Part 2

You say that we can write about anything we like, but this doesn't work for me. The only time I want to write about something is when I'm stressed and want to write about personal things. I can't write about this for three reasons: First, I don't want to put my feelings on display in the internet for anyone and everyone to see. I'm not that kind of person and that could lead to some bad things. Second, you told us that if we can't use their names, we shouldn't post it, which totally makes sense to me. Third, whenever I'm stressed or angry or confused, I write a letter by hand. There's just something about physically writing my feelings down that is therapeutic to me. Also, a letter isn't really a blog and I like to tuck it away into a spot that only I know about. If it was on display on the internet, that would defeat the purpose of a personal letter that you want to write, but not send. If I do find something to write about, I never want to finish it. I write about a sentence or two during class and then save it for later because I can't work when there are any noises or distractions around. By the time I get home though, I'm totally bored by the topic and don't want to write the blog. I justify not writing it by telling myself that I have time to write completely new ones. This sucks because this cycle keeps going until I have to cram a bunch of crappy blogs in at the last second. And when I do this, I just get disappointed with myself.

I plan on trying harder to be self-sufficient in second term, but it's really hard for me. The stress of junior year is literally three times as much as sophomore year. I'm very sorry that you have had to experience mediocre Rachel so far this year, Mizzay. I hope that you are able to see the straight A student that I really am by the end of the term. I also regret being distracted by my grandfather's illness and death the first month of school, but I couldn't avoid, prevent, or help that situation. This year really snuck up on me and I am paying for it right now. Catch-up is the worst game to have to play and I will try my best to NEVER have to play it again. (415 words)

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