Wednesday, November 16, 2011


                Sleeping is lovely. Sadly, I never get enough of it. I get between five and six hours of sleep every night, which is not enough. For teenagers, sleep is very necessary. We need it to function properly, but between school, homework, and outside activities, no one gets enough.

                My alarm is set for 5:45 every morning. At the beginning of the year, I leaped out of bed right away without any problem. Lately, I have been staying in bed until about 6:15 and then dragging myself out of bed. I then have to rush through getting ready and skip breakfast (also not good) in order to leave my house at 6:50 for school. I am lucky that I live only a few blocks from school because if I lived further away, I would probably be late for school every day.

                Once I get to school, I am falling asleep in my classes. Most days it is a struggle to keep my eyes open during a lecture, and if we are watching a video, I lose the battle of consciousness about eighty percent of the time. I always feel really bad, but come on, we sit down all hour, you turned off the lights, and you put in a movie with a boring narrator that’s full of historians and scientists talking about boring things. It is like you are asking us to take a nap.

                After school I have practice. Between dance, voice, and show choir, I never get home earlier than eight o’clock. Most nights I don’t get home until nine. At practice, I get physically exhausted. At school, I get mentally exhausted. Certain things throughout the day make me emotionally exhausted. When I get home, all I want to do is pass out, but I have homework! So, my homework turns out sucky because I am totally tuned-out by the time I do it. I NEVER get to bed before 11:30. Most nights I don’t fall asleep until around midnight. Most weekends I can’t even sleep in because I have things to do!! Things have to change. (348 words)

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