Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Art of Aging

Birthdays are a big deal in our society. We have a party, give presents, and make someone feel extra special on the anniversary of their birth. we make a big deal about becoming a year older. Once you hit a certain age you get a certain thing like a license or the ability to drink etc. But funny thing is, we all grow up at different paces. Even though you may be a certain number age, that doesn't really matter. It's not the number that ages us, but our experiences.

Just because we are a certain number age, does  not automatically make us a certain way. A 50 year old can act 35 and a 28 year old can act 42. It all depends what we do in life that determines the way we act. If a relatively young person was brought up by parents who trusted the with a lot of responsibility and if they got a good education then they probably would mature faster. If a person was babied their entire childhood and young adult life then they probably will act immature forever. If a person went through a monumental event like a death or accident that made them face a harsh reality of life, then they probably will act differently than a person with a young, sugarcoated life. The people we hang out with also help us grow up. We tend to act the same way as our friends so depending on how immature or mature they are, that will impact you as well.

If you think about it, people actually age very slowly. Normally people don't notice a change in 1 year, but if you look at yourself over say 5 years, you see a big difference. It's kind of surprising. All of the little things you do during each year don't seem very prominent but then if you compare yourself to a few years ago, you think that you're a completely different person. Age is a funny thing. It passes slowly but then all of a sudden you're all grown up.

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