Monday, April 16, 2012

Proctastination Sites

There are some very mean people in the world. These are the people who commit the ultimate crime against society. These people create procrastination sites. You know what I mean; those sites that you go on and stare at for hours when you are supposed to be doing some sort of work. We’ve all spent an evening sitting in front of the computer screen doing nothing but looking at pictures or reading little comics. There are so many sites to choose from. You can go on Pinterest, iwastesomuchtime, StumbleUpon, fmylife, MyLifeIsAverage, dearblankpleaseblank, etc. The hardest thing you have to do is decide which site will suck up your time that night. These websites are the black hole of our society, so why can't we just eliminate them?

The Internet is full of useless sites. I wish that I could just filter the Internet so that I could only use the websites that are good for me. The trouble is, the Internet is too ginormous to do this. There are so many things in my life I wish I could just eliminate. There are so many distractions and unhealthy things that consume me that I wish I could just get rid of so I could live a happier, healthier, less cluttered life. If these things weren't a part of my daily doings, I bet I would be able to get so much more done with my time. I would be able to get all of my homework done in a timely manner. I would have time to actually keep my room clean instead of just throwing all my bags, clothes, laundry baskets, and shoes all over the place. I would be able to go out and exercise without feeling totally exhausted. I would hang out with my friends without feeling guilty about neglecting my other responsibilities. I would also get to sleep more than five and a half hours a night. During the school week, with all of my activities and homework and wasted time on these stupid websites, I am lucky if I get six and a half hours of sleep in a night. That is the absolute longest I would be able to sleep. Normally I get from five ours and fifteen minutes to five hours and forty-five minutes each night. That is definitely not enough and is taking a toll on my functioning the rest of the week. Sometimes I get to catch up on sleep on the weekends by sleeping like eleven hours, but that doesn't happen very frequently. Even If I do get a good amount of sleep, I constantly toss and turn thinking about the things I still need to do. So much stress could be alleviated if I was just able to stop the use of these pro-procrastination sites.

(469 words)

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