Monday, April 16, 2012

School Friend vs. Real Friend

In school, I have 2 kinds of friends: school friends and real friends. I talk to both types during school, but I have more in common with one than the other.

A school friend is a person I befriend in one of my classes. I talk to them during class about what we are doing and occasionally joke a bit with them. I normally do not have their phone number and do not talk to them outside of class. If I do have their number, I only use it to ask a question about homework. I don not make plans with them outside of class. If they are not in one of my classes the next year, I don't really care. I don't try to keep a lasting relationship with this person or stay in touch with them. I don't mean to be rude, but that;s just how it is. I am friendly during class time, but I do not have enough in common with them to hang out outside of school.

A real friend is one who I love hanging out with outside of school. If we are in fact in the same class, we hardly ever talk about our school work because we have too many other important things to talk about. I see them everyday and text them regularly. Sometimes we have so much in common that it's scary.

Even though I have these two classifications of friends, I try to be nice to everybody. I don't have any "enemies", and even if I don't like someone, I am still nice to them. It is good to have friends no matter what level of friend they are to you. If I didn't have school friends, I would be very lonely in my classrooms. Plus, sometimes a school friend can turn into a very good friend, so stay nice to everyone and be social. You never know where you will find a lasting friendship.

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