Sunday, April 15, 2012

She's Just Not That Into You

Here are a few tips for you boys crushing on girl. We get told these sort of things all the time so I thought I'd return the favor. There could be a few exceptions to these rules, but just like the movie, they don't come very often.

If she doesnt text you back, she's not into you. Sure she might be busy, but if she wants to talk to you, she'll make time. She will make a point to pause during her busy schedule to send you a text, or sneak her phone out to talk to you. If she tells you shes busy and doesn't text you for the entire night even if you text her, I'm sorry but she doesn't really want to alk to you.

If she sends a short text in response to your long one, she's not into you. If you constantly send her long texts but she responds with around 5 words, she doesnt want to talk to you. If a girl is intrested in the conversation (and you) then she will eleborate.

If you always initiate a converstion, she's not into you. A good crush, or eben just a ood friendship is balanced. Both people should want to talk to the other thus creating an equal talking time. If you both want to talk to each other, both of you will start a conversation. Also, don't text her everyday, especially if she doesn't text you back. Take a hint and chill out. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Texting her everyday when she's busy and when she doesn't want to talk to you will just annoy her and make her like you even less. Give her some space and if she likes you, she will make a point to talk to you. If she doesn't, than she's not the girl for you.

If you always make the plans,she's not into you. This one is a lot like the previous one. If she wants to spend time with you, she will make sure that you two have a scheduled time to hang out. If she's very vague when you ask her when she can hang out, she doesn't really want to. Both of you need to be very engaged in the plan-making or else she really doesn't want to make plans.

These are just some helpful hints. Boys, if you realize she doesn't really like you, it's ok. These things are just to help you recognize that that girl isn't for you so you can find a new, better girl, rather than wasting your time on this one. There's someone out there for everyone so dont get so hooked on one person you think you like, especially if you're in high school. You've got your whole life ahead of you. Go out and make the best of it

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