Monday, April 16, 2012

How to Do 80's Hair.

Some people may feel the need to have an 80's hair style in the future for something. It might be a party theme, Halloween costume, or a show you're in. It's very easy to do, even if you don't have very compliant hair.

First, curl your hair. A wand works very well. It does not take long to do, you don't have to put product in your hair, and it looks very natural. Use relatively small chunks of hair for the best results. After each layer of hair, hair spray the heck out of it and then use a pick to separate the curls so it looks like a bad perm. After you are finished curling and it looks like a big fuzz ball, you have a few options. You can put a headband in for a sporty look. You can put it up into a high side pony tail and create the waterfall look. You can keep it crazy if you have long voluptuous hair. You can also take the top and put a half ponytail on top of your head. For the half pony tail, it's best if you keep the pony tail a bit loose and put it off to the side.

Once you've figure out what do with it, it's time to tease. You can use any sort of comb to back-comb your hair. All you have to do is take a chunk of hair and comb it repeatedly from end to root (the opposite direction than normal). Your head needs to look insanely big. You need to cake on the hair spray like no body's business. Big hair was the thing. Hair was big and unhealthy. A stylist once told me that the more damaged your hair looks, the more 80s it looks.

I love doing hair! It is so much fun to just experiment with things! If your hair isn't cooperating with you, don't give up. Have someone else give it a try, because you just might be using some incorrect techniques. Also, playing with your hair and getting familiar with it will make it so much easier to style. Practice really does make perfect. :)
(362 words)

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