Sunday, April 15, 2012

A Passion-less Society

When I look around today, I don't see any passion. People today have lost all drive behind their actions. Everything is done half-hearted. There's no spark or determination in society.

One factor if this is the effect of technology on out lifestyles. Everyone wants things right away. Instant gratification is the name of the game. People no longer have the patience to work on things and put time and effort into them. If they aren't getting results soon enough, they get bored and move onto something different without giving it the time it needs. Plus, people would rather sit and watch someone do something rather than go out and try it themselves. They might tell themselves that they are going to make some progress but then get distracted and forget about what they were going to do.

Kids today are in too many activities. Everyone tells us to get involved. Do a sport. Join a club. Volunteer. Be well rounded. Keep your grades up. Kids are stretching themselves too thin to put a sufficient amount of dedication into each thing. Kids today are so pressured to be the best. They feel pressure from their parents to do the things they did in high school. They feel pressure from their coaches to be the best. They feel pressure from their teachers get the best grades too. I feel that the most pressure comes from colleges. It's not good enough to have good grades anymore. Colleges want people who are involved in every activity possible for you to be in. If you want to get into a good college, you have to do something that sets you apart from the other applicants. Plus you have to have good standardized test scores, AP credits, and so many other things. In addition to getting into the college, you need to do all you can to get a scholarship. Colleges and universities are extremely expensive so kids have to put even more effort into getting money to actually go there. High school students are so burnt out that they can't do anything fully. The pressure needs to be alleviated to allow any sort of passion to shine through.
(363 words)

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