Sunday, April 15, 2012

Small Team, Big Dreams

This coming year on dance team we will have 11 dancers on our team. My sophomore year we had 16 girls on the team and 12 competed at every competition and at the last one we had 13 compete. My junior year we had 15 girls and we had 10 compete and then 12 compete. The year when I was a freshman on Junior Varsity, there were 17 girls on the varsity team and 16 competed. This year, We have 10 scheduled to compete and 1 alternate. this will be a big change.

I'm very excited for my senior year on dance team. I've learned a lot these past 2 years and I can't wait to put my knowledge to good use. I do wish we had more people try out for the team this year, but I'm very excited for our 2 new members this year. I think it might actually be beneficial that so many of our members have been on the team before. This way, most everyone knows what to expect and knows how w do things on our team and if our newbies have any questions, they can just ask anyone.

As a senior, I will be in charge of teaching the newbies how we dance and cleaning all the choreography. On our team, the seniors do so much. Our coach is our leader and she sort of directs us on what we are supposed to do. I'm so excited to finally take charge.

One of our big dreams is to be a 3 time Pom Regional Champion. Both of the years I've been on the team we have won Regionals, and I really hope we can do it again. I know the goal isn't supposed to be winning so I guess my real goal it to reach our full potential as a team, and hope that means we beast again just like my past two years. I'm super excited to see what our new team can do and can't wait to start practices!

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