Sunday, April 15, 2012

Miss Independent

I am a very independent person. I like to drive myself to places. I don't ask for help. I don't talk about my feelings. I'm not a very touchy-feely person. I don't ask people to do me favors if I can easily do it myself. I focus on myself and don't expect others to help me. Some people think this means I am self-centered. Some people think this means I am shy. Some people think I don't like the because of this. Those things are not true. Sure, everyone is selfish sometimes, but independent isn't a synonym for selfish. I am shy sometimes, but that's not because I am independent. I like most everybody, but I just don't feel the need to hang onto their every word and fawn all over them.

Being independent, however, doesn't mean I don't want to be included. it doesn't mean I  don't need a compliment every once in a while to keep me sane. It doesn't mean that you can't help me. Independent people are jut like everyone else. We need a self esteem boost. If we do something good, it's nice to be recognized for it. A little compliment goes a long way. We can still feel lonely and neglected. We want to do things and be social just like everyone else.

Also, if you can see I;m not having a good day, you don't need to pester me with questions. Just be there for me. Give me a hug. A person only needs so much space. After a certain amount, they need understanding and people to be there for them even if that just means sitting by them and just silently consoling them.

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