Monday, January 23, 2012

Happy Tears

I have never in my life cried happy tears before. I’ve had plenty of sad, exhausted, frustrated, mourning, and angry tears, but never any out of joy. I experienced this new sensation about a week and a half ago right before my very first show choir competition as a member of Happiness Incorporated.
Ever since third grade, I have aspired to be in Happiness Inc. My brother Stephen was in it for three years and was a pretty significant member, having solos and being in the front row with feature parts and such. He was so good and I dreamed for the day when I could have my own bright yellow jacket and win trophies just like him. I watched him at every single competition and cheered him on just like the big kids in the yellow and green jackets. My brother Joe was also in Happiness. Though he didn’t have solos, he was always in front and was a part of the feature dance parts. I went to all of his competitions as well. This dream of mine has been stirring and building for eight years, and has only gotten bigger these past two years because I have been so close.
The morning of the Linn Mar competition, I was getting pumped up. I was getting all my stuff together and sort of dancing around my room when it hit. I was about to compete with Happiness Incorporated. All of my dreams were about to come true. This is the day I’ve been waiting for since I first saw my brother in his yellow jacket when I was eight years old. I have been cheering on Happiness for eight years and this was finally my time to be the one others look up to and cheer on. I couldn’t handle it. I just started to cry.
It was the coolest feeling in the world to be so overwhelmed by happiness (no pun intended) that I literally couldn’t keep myself from crying. It was one of the best moments of my life and I really hope to feel that way again. (351 words)

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