Tuesday, January 10, 2012

No More Television :(

                I have been getting really behind in my homework. My mother is really mad at me because of this so I am not allowed to watch any television until show choir season is over, which is at the end of March.  I cannot sit down on the couch and watch a show new or old. I also cannot watch and shows on hulu.com or any such television site. The only possible way I will be able to watch TV is if I can prove to my mother that I have absolutely every scrap of my homework done. I have to be so ahead of things that I literally have nothing I could possibly be doing. I have to have all worksheets done, studied for all tests, be completely on track for my 100 reading pages a week, and have all of my blogs done for the trimester. Clearly I will not be watching any television for a very long time.
                I have devised a system to make keeping track of things a bit easier. I always know when everything is due but when it’s in my planner, it doesn’t seem like I have much to do, but in reality I do. The actual amount of work I have to do becomes quite clear when I’m doing all of it the night before its due and I have like five big things due at the same time. I do my homework in my brother’s room because it is less cluttered and had less distractions. I brought my desk in there and all of my things needed for school work are neatly organized. I even keep my mom’s ancient laptop in there so I can use the internet when there is too mush commotion to concentrate downstairs. I set up a sticky note system on the desk. I have 5 sticky notes and a weird half sticky note set on the side of the desk. They are designated to be a space where I write down what is due each day of the week and what extra credit I can do over the weekend (the half sticky not is for the weekend). It seems to be a pretty good system but I have only had it for 2 days so I don’t know if I will actually stick to it. At least I’m trying! (392 words)

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