Monday, January 2, 2012

The Healing Powers of Music

Every time I'm feeling down, I just listen to music. Every time I'm feeling super happy, I listen to music. Every time I'm in a motivated mood, I listen to music. I'm not sure what it is, but there's just something about going to your room and listening to music that makes your mood ten times better.
I have a few different playlists set up on my iPod meant for different times. I have one entitled “Relax” that is meant for a few different situations. This list is full of slow, emotional songs. Some of them are sad, some happy, and some somewhere in between.  If I’m feeling a little melancholy, I listen to it to lift my spirits a bit. I normally plug my iPod into my doc and fill my room with music in these situations. I also clean my room while I’m listening to my playlist. If I’m feeling really crappy and am on the verge of a breakdown, I crawl into bed and don’t do anything at all but listen to music. On a really bad day when I’m just not doing well, I plug my headphones in and tune out the world. I crawl into my bed, make a little cocoon of blankets, and just lay there and listen to music until I feel better. It may not cure me, but it makes thing a whole heck of a lot better.
I also have a list entitled “Get Pumped Up.” I use this list when I’m in a really fantastic mood. It’s full of high energy, fast, and happy songs. Whenever I feel super awesome, I fill my room with music and dance around. I also use this list whenever I work out as well. The fast, high-energy, and motivating songs help me push through and keep going at a constant rate, especially if I’m running. I absolutely hate to run so I need to have a fun song to keep me from slowing down or giving up.
Those are my two main lists. I also have a few lists dedicated to choral music, music without lyrics, and musicals. These don’t really have any specific purposes but they are just there so I can listen to them when I’m in the mood. Music has always been there for me and I’m so grateful for it. (390 words)

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