Monday, January 9, 2012

Returning Regionals Champs!

                I have been constantly nervous this past week. We had dance team Regionals this weekend and so there was a ton of pressure at practice last week. We were working really hard because we won last year and so we needed to do well again this year. We were all working hard all week long and by the time Saturday came around we were praying all of our hard work paid off.
                Our jazz dance was first at around 11:30 Saturday morning. We all got up at 6 that morning to do our hair and makeup in my hotel room. Once we were all ready, we took a shuttle to the Mall of America where that competition was being held. We got to the spot where we put our things and then started to stretch and then had to go to our 4 minute warm up slot. We ran our dance twice and then went o the performance space. The warm up area got behind so we went almost right away when we got to the performance space. We did really well and we all felt really good afterwards! I was really excited because I got my triple turn perfectly! I was a bit worried because we had only practiced on tile and the competition put down “marley” on the floor, but it was a really nice floor so it went really well.
                When awards came around, we got 3rd place. We knew we weren’t going to get first place because there is a really good team that comes and does jazz called Millard West, and they win every year, but we were hoping for 2nd. We got second last year but this year Xavier beat us in jazz. :/ We were pretty sad because we beat them earlier in the year, but we read our comments and came back and did awesome in pom! We all came out for pom as did our absolute best we could do. We hit our moves strong, nailed our tricks, and had awesome posture and faces and it paid off! We were named Small Varsity Pom REGIONAL CHAMPIONS! It was super exciting because we won two years in a row and we finally eat Xavier in Pom! We lost to them before in the year and we were so excited when we beat them! After awards we took pictures with our trophies and banner and then went and rode roller coasters in the mall the rest of the night! It was a really nice day!
                Next year there is going to be even more pressure for a 3-peat! AHHHH and I’m going to be a senior so it’s my responsibility to get the team ready!!! EEEEKKK (453 words)

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