Monday, January 9, 2012

In-Class writing Nov. 2nd: The True Me

I am a bit of a packrat. In my basement and in my closet are old toys, art projects, and pictures that I cant seem to let go of. Every once in a while I go through my boxes of memories and remember old times.
When I as very young, around kindergarten, I was a cute little thing. I played outside with friends, loved school, and wasn’t afraid to be me. Whenever I look through pictures from that time, nothing but pleasant memories flood my brain. Things changed, though, in late elementary school. I became more reserved, shy, and awkward. I still had fun, but I lost the social skills to make new friends. Most of my really good friends were either older than me, thus they didn’t spend much time with me, or they moved away. When I look through my old toys and pictures, I can remember being a bit lonely, even though I had some friends. I was no longer still “myself.”
I don’t even have to look at anything to remember middle school. My middle school was a very uncomfortable environment. I loved to learn, but the people there made me self-conscious. I was afraid to be myself because people already thought I was odd. I never made many friends because everyone was the same. They were all too “cool” to let their “inner nerd” come out. Sadly, this rubbed off on me, which makes me focus on the bitter memories of middle school.
High school is a whole different story. I really like who I am right now. I have so many good memories from my first two years and I love how I can remember all of them because I have tons of t-shirts, certificates, and little trinkets to remind me. When I was dumped into the sea of public school students, I was forced to become sociable. I am a lot more confident now and am reminded of that everyday when I talk to people I never used to even say hello to. I have also had experiences that have made me more mature.  Everyday I see people that remind me of situations that have changed me. I remember how I once reacted, and then remember not to do that. Even most bad memories bring about good thoughts because they remind me of how far I have come.
Even though I still possess personal traits I don not like, I trust they will get better in time. I have grown a lot in only sixteen years, so I am confidant that the future will bring me more success. I know there will be many hills and valleys. For example, I have a hard time letting things go, which is affecting me right now, but I know once I get out of this “valley” I will learn more about myself. I feel it is important to learn things form all of your experiences, good or bad. You need to be reminded of these lessons and keep moving forward with your life. I like the “me” I am today because I feel I have learned how to do that. I feel I am very close to discovering my true self. (535 words)

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