Monday, January 9, 2012

Purple Hair?

                 So this weekend after John F. Kennedy Dance Team was named Small Varsity Pom REGIONAL CHAMPIONS, my team decided to dye our hair purple and blue. Normally, because I’m in show choir, I wouldn’t be allowed to dye my hair, but our director decided to allow us to do it if our fun colored hair would be hidden during a show choir performance. He said we can dye our hair but if he notices it at our concert on Thursday night, he will make us dye it back to our original color for our first competition on Saturday. So we show choir girls were really psyched to dye our hair! Too bad we were all rookies at cosmetology so it didn’t turn out too well. L
                We started the process in our hotel on Saturday night at around 10:30. Some girls had already gone out and bought blue dye, purple dye, and bleach so we were ready to start right away. We started by putting bleach on little sections of hair in all of the girls with dark hair so that the dye would show up better. The box said that it would take about 40-60 minutes depending on how dark the hair was. This was not the case. It took forever for the hair to lighten. One girl has bleach on for almost three hours (we were up really late) and it still didn’t get very light. Since my hair is already blonde, I didn’t have to put bleach on so I put the purple on right away. The box for dye said to leave it in for 10-20 minutes. On girl got her hair rinsed out before me and it was hardly purple at all so she redid hers. I saw this and went to blow dry my dye to set it with heat to make the dye stay better. I also kept the dye in for 40 minutes! Twice the amount of time on the box! When I finally got my hair rinsed out, it was pretty purple and I was happy! My hair was one of the best ones! But when I took a shower a day later, it faded. L I got really sad. Now there is some weird purply-brown tint to a random section of my hair and it makes me sad. I was thinking about going to a salon ad getting that section dyed purple professionally, but I decided it probably wasn’t worth it. The only really good hair that turned out was because the girl used a lot of bleach, already had relatively light brown hair, and left her blue dye in over night!! Her hair is probably damaged beyond repair but at least it’s LEGIT!! (452 words)

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