Monday, January 9, 2012

Homework Silence

                In order to do homework, I need silence. If there is any noise at all, I can’t concentrate. This doesn’t apply to all types of homework obviously. If I have to fill out a worksheet then noise is fine. This only applies if I need to read something or write something. If there is any talking, ticking, tapping, chewing, playing, typing, laughing, crumpling, or whispering in the background, I cannot work to save my life. I reread things over and over. I start writing nonsense. My train of thought is disrupted. I get extremely angry. Normally I move to a quieter place, but if no such place exists, I’m screwed.  Sometimes I can deal with music in the background if I’m writing something trivial like a blog, but any serious paper does not allow for any sound.
                This really sucks because it means that I don’t get a lot of work done during class time. Pretty much all of my classes require me to read textbooks for homework and sometimes fill out worksheet packets on them. IF we ever get class time to work, I can’t use it efficiently because I can’t tune out all of the outside noise.  I then have to do all my homework at home but I’m really busy with dance, dance team, show choir, and voice lessons. Some days I don’t get home until a little after 9 and then I have to do all my homework. I’m practically falling asleep by that time but I have to stay awake and get my work done and I don’t get to bed until at the earliest 11:30 and I only get six hours of sleep.  If I do get home at a normal hour, I have a hard time doing my homework because my parents are always around and making noise. I then have to shut myself up in my room, but then I get distracted by all the stuff in my room and sometimes I can hear them anyway. Lately, I’ve been going into my brother’s vacant room to do my work but that still doesn’t solve the in-class work time problem. Hmmm I don’t really know what to do. :/ (365 words)

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