Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Online Feelings

Some people just don’t know what is acceptable to put on the Internet. The other day I saw a quote that said: “If you wouldn’t say it to their face, don’t put it on Facebook.” When I saw this I thought “Amen sista!” I know everyone has personal problems but you don’t need to post them where everyone can see and where more drama can start because of it.
If you break up with your boyfriend, don’t post things. Everyone who knows you obviously knows of whom it’s about. Your boyfriend will also obviously be able to see it and so then he knows how you are feeling. It just feeds the fire if it was a bad breakup. If you badmouth him, he will bad mouth you in retaliation, and a vicious cycle starts. You will end up feeling super crappy and no matter what you think, it will not help you get him back or get over him.
If it was an okay breakup, posting things is a little weird. If you have really melancholy posts it could send the message that you actually aren’t over him and you want him back. This probably makes him a little uncomfortable and won’t help your relationship or lack there of. You could also look like a total brat to. If you have a lot of upbeat posts after a break up, you look like you’re super glad you two broke up and you don’t care about him at all. That’s just a little harsh and a bit mean to him. He can obviously see everything you posted and so can everyone else so why make yourself look like an insensitive brat?
Also, it’s pretty obvious you want attention id you post things for anyone to see. The whole reason you posted it is for other people to see it and ask you about it. How about you keep your personal matters private and deal with them not in public. If you really are having a problem with something, go talk directly to someone. Things get lost in translation and so if you tweet something like “last night was super fun” and someone sees it, they could make up a story about you getting wasted and hooking up with a bunch of people and crazy nonsense like that.
I get that you need to express your feelings but please, use a journal! I don’t want to know all of your problems because I have enough of them on my own. Be considerate. (421 words)

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