Tuesday, January 10, 2012

So Excited!!

                 I’m super duper excited for show choir this season! Our dessert concert is on Thursday and that starts our season. All of our three show choirs perform their entire shows for an audience of our friends and family in preparation for our competition season and then we get to eat delicious desserts afterwards!! Our first contest is Saturday at Linn Mar High School and I’m nervous but really excited at the same time. We have had a rough time getting our show together lately. We are a really talented group but we don’t really use our heads and perform to our greatest potential most of the time. Last night our director had to yell at us and tell us that he might pull us out of our first competition unless we got our act together and started using our heads and practicing and such. He told us that we needed to perform a miracle in the next 24 hours for us to change his mind. I think this scared us into shape.
                We had practice tonight and it went a lot better than last night. We talked less while rehearsing. Our band had clearly practiced and thing were meshing better. Our tech crew was wonderful (as always). We also had a pretty good time doing our costume change. Our costume change is extremely hard because we have to unzip a dress with a sticky zipper, take our shoes off, put a shirt on, but new shoes on, and the hardest part of it is putting our sparkly leggings on. We have these really cute leggings but they are quite tight and get caught on our tights while we put them on. They also have a stretch inner liner that gets out of place and makes it really hard to get the pants up high. Most of the time I am able to get on stage on time (not everybody can do that), but I either have my crotch hanging down because I couldn’t get the pants hiked up enough over my butt or I have a lot of ugly bunched liner around my ankles. It’s a doable change, but it’s just difficult. I’m confident we will get it down. We have practice tomorrow, a concert Thursday, and practice again on Friday so we will have plenty of rehearsal before our first contest. I’m totally ready to start the season and give my best performance at every contest we go to! Bring it on!! (413 words)

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